Weekly Propagation Forecast Bulletins
Product: Weekly Highlights and Forecasts:Issued: 2025 Jan 20 0136 UTC# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center# Product description and…
Rincón Diexista de Radio Rumanía Internacional
Rincón Diexista es el programa semanal de Radio Rumania Internacional, dedicado a los oyentes diexistas que presenta Victoria Sepciu.
Carlos Explores Japan’s Radio Nikkei: A Unique Shortwave Listening Experience from Brazil
Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor Carlos Latuff, who shares the following guest post: Exploring Radio Radio Nikkei by Carlos Latuff It’s been a while…
En Contacto – Radio Habana Cuba
Programa diexista “En Contacto” emitido por Radio Habana Cuba todos los domingos, dedicado a los oyentes de las ondas cortas, Diexistas y Radioaficionados del mundo.
Using an EFR32 IoT Microcontroller Transceiver as an SDR
Thank you to Joshua R. for writing in and sharing some links on how an EFR32 microcontroller can be used as a software-defined radio. The…
Antena L Invertida (Family Radio)
La antena más rudimentaria es un alambre insulado (o sea, forrado de plástico) conectado a su receptor, de unos 10 metros de largo, el cual…
Locating an Intermittent Interferer with a KrakenSDR
Over on YouTube Thomas Brinkoetter has uploaded a video demonstrating his experience with the KrakenSDR, and how he used it to find an intermittent interferer…
Just before the Shortwave Radiogram program 385 broadcast, 18 January 2025, 2300-2330 UTC, I saw a…
Shortwave Radiogram, program 385, 18 January 2025, 2300 UTC Just before the Shortwave Radiogram program 385 broadcast, 18 January 2025, 2300-2330 UTC, I saw a…
Dipolo de Media Onda (Banda Ancha)
Dipolo de media onda banda ancha Del boletín “Transceptor” Nº 11 de Abril de 1.982, editado por la A.R.V. de Valencia, tomo los datos para…
A USB-C Mod for RTL-SDR Blog V3/V4 Dongles
Over on GitHub, umbertoragone has uploaded some schematics for a USB-C modification he’s made for RTL-SDR Blog V3 and V4 dongles. The modification removes the…